Communication & Money
Mobile phone coverage in Namibia is mainly limited to major cities and towns. Some rural areas do have coverage but nothing exists within the remote wilderness areas of the country. Namibia has two cellular operators, namely Mobile Telecommunications Ltd (MTC) as well as LEO Ltd. Coverage agreements have been signed with over 60 countries and support most European, USA and UK based companies. It is however advisable to buy a local prepaid starter pack or hiring a cell phone as roaming costs can be quite expensive. Airtime can be purchased in all major towns and rural areas.
Money Matters
The Namibian Dollar is linked to the South African Rand on the ratio of 1:1 and both currencies are legal trade in Namibia, however please note that Namibian currency is not accepted in South Africa. The Namibian government has recently launched new note designs in honor of old President Sam Nujoma. They occur in denominations of N$200, N$100, N$50, N$20 and N$10. Coins are found as N$5, N$1, 50cents, 10cents and 5cents. Recently a N$10 coin has also been launched featuring the face of old President Sam Nujoma.