Missions & Embassies
Foreign Embassies in Namibia & SADC regions
Australia, High Commission of Australia
Private Bag X150
0001 Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: (+27 12) 342 3740
Fax: (+27 12) 342 8442
Email: ian.wilcock@dfat.gov.au
European Union, Delegation of the Commission of the European Union
P.O Box 24443, Windhoek
Tel: (264 61) 202 6000
Fax: (264 61) 202 6224
Email: mailto@delnam.cec.eu.int
Germany, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
P.O Box 231, Windhoek
Tel: (264 61) 27 3100
Fax: (264 61) 22 2981
South Africa, High Commission of the Republic of South Africa
P.O Box 23100, Windhoek
Tel: (264 61) 205 7111
Fax: (264 61) 22 4140
Email: sahcwin@iafrica.com.na
United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British High Commission
P.O Box 22202, Windhoek
Tel: (264 61) 27 4800
Fax: (264 61) 22 8895
Email: bhcw@mweb.com.na
United States, Embassy of the United States
Private Bag 12029, Windhoek
Tel: (264 61) 22 1601
Fax: (264 61) 22 9792